Monday, June 20, 2011

Favorite Spot

For some reason this particular cupboard where we keep our water has been a favorite for both of our boys. Asher is now too tall to stand in it, but he still likes to squeeze himself in every so often.

Here was Asher at about 12 months old:

Yesterday I found Urban in this same location. He now can open cupboards (which causes all sorts of trouble), so he had climbed on in.

Sometimes I wonder why we even bother with toys! This cupboard has provided much entertainment for my boys. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I can't believe you guys have been there since Asher was 12 months (well, actually before that - when he was about 8 mos right?). Crazy to think our other boys (Urban and Aaron) are already older than Asher was when you moved there.

    What cute pics!
