Thursday, September 17, 2009

Asher's Adventure

"My parents took me on this adventure to Istanbul. Here are some of the highlights and lowlights of the trip from my perspective."

Highlight #1: "My favorite part of the whole week was playing in my parent's suitcase. It was just the right size for me. I loved getting everything all messy inside especially after my mom organized it. "

Highlight #2: "I got a toothbrush and toothpaste from Aunt Leatha. I'm not sure what to do with them yet, but I just like to hold them in my hands."

Highlight #3: "I didn't have to sit in a high chair for a whole week. My mom didn't seem to enjoy this as much. I was told to sit still a lot!

Lowlight #1: "My parents made me ride buses, trains, ferries, planes, and I simply just got tired of it!"

Lowlight #2: "I spent 6 hours in IKEA. My mom tried to entertain me by pushing me around in a cart. It worked for a little while, but I was ready to leave!"

Highlight #4: "I got to stay up past my bedtime and go to TGI Friday's. I napped on the bus ride to the restuarant, so I had more energy than my parents!"

"Overall, it was a good trip. I don't wish to go to IKEA for a very long time and I think my dad would agree with me. It is good to be back home, except my bedtime is back to 7:00. "

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